How To Get A 20% Discount On Daang Hari Cavite Real Property Taxes

Owning real property in the Philippines, such as in Daang Hari Cavite, is not all good things. It also comes with a set of responsibilities that one should take seriously to avoid regrets in the future. Real property, which refers to any property directly attached to a piece of land as well as the land itself, comes with a tax. The Real Property Tax or RPT has to be paid each year to keep the property safe from the hands of the Local Government Unit, which sells the properties to investors for lower prices through auctions.
This tax is based on the Local Government Code Title II, Republic Act No. 7160. This is accrued starting on the first day of the year along with a lien imposed on the property in Daang Hari Cavite. With such provision, this lien is above all any other liens or mortgages as well as any other possible encumbrance. Only when the tax is completely paid that this lien is fully eliminated. Following this logic, any Real Property Tax paid is first applied to the delinquencies in terms of the tax payment as well as its interests or penalties from the previous years. The payments are credited to the current period only upon settlement of the payments for the previous periods.
The RPT is paid at the municipal or the city treasurer’s office, whichever is most applicable in Daang Hari Cavite, by the owner himself or a property administrator. Payments can be done any time of the year. However, you can actually get a 20% discount on real property taxes if you will pay for the entire year before or on January 31 of the current year. The concerned authority handling the area of the property has the right to give a discount for owners who pay the RPT plus the additional tax for the Special Education Fund. This discount should not be more than 20 percent of the due annual tax. Additionally, installment payments can be done quarterly, which should be made before or on the last day of every four months, basically March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st. Consequently, late payments come with an interest of two percent every month with a maximum of 36 months. This interest is imposed until the tax is paid fully.